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Garden Club of Lake Ridge Launches a Lunch ‘n Learn Series!

Cheryl St. Amant

The Garden Club of Lake Ridge is trying something new based upon feedback from members! This program year we have included a series of Lunch ‘n Learn activities!

These lunch and learn activities are short, informal sessions where you and your fellow garden club members can share your knowledge, skills, and experiences on various gardening topics while enjoying a meal. Lunch and learn activities can be a great way to enhance your garden club experience and reap many benefits.

Here are some of the reasons why you may want to attend one of our lunch and learn activities:

Lunch and learn activities make use of your limited time. If you have a busy schedule and find it hard to attend regular garden club meetings, lunch and learn activities can be a convenient option for you. You can combine your lunch break with your learning session and save time. We have scheduled three lunch and learn activities: one on a weekday and two on the weekend over the program year.

Lunch and learn activities help to reinforce our garden club community. By participating in lunch and learn activities, you can strengthen your sense of belonging and identity as a club member. You can share your passion and enthusiasm with other people who appreciate the beauty and benefits of gardening.

Lunch and learn activities improve your gardening skills and knowledge. One of the main purposes of lunch and learn activities is to provide you with an opportunity to learn something new or improve something you already know. You can learn from experts, guest speakers, or even from each other. You can also ask questions, exchange tips, and get feedback on your gardening projects. You can also discover new trends, techniques, tools, and resources that can help you enhance your gardening experience.

Last but not least, lunch and learn activities can be a lot of fun! You can enjoy a tasty meal, socialize with your friends, while learning something new or refreshing something old. You can feel inspired, energized, and motivated to apply what you learned to your own gardening projects.

As you can see, this new lunch and learn garden club initiative can offer many benefits to you. Make the most of your time, strengthen your garden club community, and enhance your gardening skills and knowledge. So why not give it a try? Come Grow with Us!



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