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Winter Garlic

Cheryl St. Amant

As we move into summer I think back to last year around the end of fall when I was finishing up with the last harvest of vegetables from the raised garden beds. My first year of raised bed gardening in the books! But wait, I wonder if I could use my garden for four seasons and have a winter crop? This is how I discovered that you could plant garlic right before the first frost and it would grow over winter. I set out to experiment! I bought four heads of garlic from the grocery store, broke it into cloves and stuck them in the ground. Lo and behold they did start to grow through the winter and into spring. I have enjoyed watching the garlic scapes poke through the dirt, snow and finally braiding them so they could be easily hung to cure the garlic. I have captured pictures of the garlic journey and put them into a video below. I can’t wait to continue my winter experiment – maybe potatoes this year.

As a bonus please enjoy the short story of The Garlic Family called Night Watch.



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